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Gout is a metabolic disorder where high levels of uric acids in the blood can cause severe inflammation and pain in many joints. These can be the ankle, knee, elbow, finger, and finger joints. Many of our patients feel the first signs of gout in the metatarsophalangeal joints.

This is the best natural treatment for Gout: Podagros gydymas

Gout is most often a congenital metabolic condition. People with gout have a predisposition for high blood uric acid levels. This condition is known as hyperuricemia. Crystals of uric acid are found in joints, bursae and skin.

Definition: What is Gout, exactly?

Other factors, such as diet, and concomitant illnesses, can also play a part in the development of gout. Therefore, each patient must be evaluated individually by an attending physician.

Gout is caused by hyperuricemia, which increases uric acids concentrations in the blood. This causes uric acid crystals to form in the joints and bursae. Crystal arthropathy is also known as this. Along with the body’s defense cells, urate crystallines can cause damage to cartilaginous structures as well as tissues near the joints. The symptoms of inflammation include swelling, reddening, and pain in affected joints.

These are the symptoms of Gout: Podagros simptomai

Uric acid crystals can build up in the kidneys and cause kidney damage. Gout can lead to joint inflammation that causes severe pain. Chronically inflamed joints can become stiff and deformed over time.

Gout disease develops in stages. After a symptom-free period, there are acute, seizure-like episodes of pain. Gout attacks are experienced by the affected person. Gout attacks are often triggered by excessive alcohol or a lavish meal.

Gout can be caused by a variety of factors. People with gout can maintain their uric acids levels by eating a healthy, balanced diet, maintaining a normal BMI and taking uric-lowering medication. This reduces the likelihood of gout flare ups and long-term damage to the joints.

What age is Gout most common?

The latest estimates suggest that gout will affect 1 to 2 percent to 3 percent of Germans at some time in their lives. Gout is the most common inflammatory joint condition in industrialized nations.

Gout is more common in men than it is in women. Gout attacks usually begin in men between the ages 40 and 45.

The disease usually develops in women who are experiencing menopause, when their estrogen levels fall significantly. Studies show that the female sex hormone protects against high blood levels of uric acids and delays the onset of the disease by about 55-60 years.

In this Channel you will learn all about Gout and its Treatments: Podagra Home Remedy

What is the difference between Gout and Rheumatism?

Gout and rheumatism both have similar symptoms. The difference between the two conditions is their treatment and cause.

Rheumatism, a disease caused by the immune system, is when the body’s immune cells attack and damage the structures of joints and other organs. Rheumatism, which is more common in women than in men, is an autoimmune disease. Gout is a metabolic condition in which uric acids crystals build up near the joints, causing inflammation foci.

It is crucial that anyone with a suspicion of joint disease seeks the advice of a joint specialist. After a specific diagnosis, this person will select the appropriate treatment.

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Gout Symptoms: What are the Signs?

Gout symptoms can vary from one patient to the next. It all depends on the blood uric acids and the time that the hyperuricemia (elevated blood uric acid) has been present. Concomitant conditions, physical condition, fitness, nutrition, and stress levels all play important roles.

What Joints are affected?

Gout sufferers report severe, seizure-like pains that start suddenly, often at night, and last for at least a few days. This is called a gout attack. The affected joint can feel warm and sensitive to light touch. Gout attacks can build up and cause painless intervals to decrease.

This could lead to restricted mobility in certain joints. Patients say that it is becoming more difficult to grasp firmly and to roll when walking. Gout can progress to the point where several joints are constantly hurting and there is no pain relief. In severe cases, deformities can be seen at the ankle and finger joints that cannot be reversed with medication.

A good Diet is very important to prevent or cure Gout: Podagros dieta