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Gout is a metabolic condition in which the joints become inflamed. Gout attacks cause swelling of the joints and can lead to severe pain. Tiny, needle-shaped crystals containing uric acid are responsible for the inflammation. They are found primarily in the joints. These crystals can form if there is too much of uric acid in your body. The inflammation usually subsides on its own within one to two weeks. You can get relief by taking medication.

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Gout sufferers often experience acute attacks every now and again. Between attacks, it is possible to go months or even years between attacks. Gout attacks can be more common. You can prevent them by taking several steps. It may be helpful to avoid certain foods or other triggers for some people. Others may benefit from medications that permanently lower their uric acid levels. These medications are especially useful for frequent attacks and secondary diseases like gouty nodules, kidney stones, or gouty nodules.

People with elevated levels of uric acid may not experience symptoms. It is not clear if this has any medical significance. They don’t need to be treated.

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Gout attacks often start at night or early morning, with sudden, painful swelling of the joints. An inflamed joint can be tender to pressure, red and overheated. The most severe symptoms of swelling and discomfort occur between 6-12 hours. Sometimes the swelling and discomfort can be so severe that the pressure from the bed cover becomes unbearable. The skin around the joint can begin to peel after the swelling subsides for a few days.

Gout attacks usually only affect one joint. This is typically the base joint of your big toe. Other joints that could become inflamed are the metatarsals and ankles as well as the knees, elbows or wrists. Gout attacks are rare in the hips and shoulders. Chronic gout causes mild inflammation of the joints. They can deform over time, causing limited mobility.

Here you can know all the Symptoms of Gout: Симптоми на подагра


Gout can occur if the blood has too much uric acids. Gout can develop in about one-third to two-thirds of people who have elevated levels of uric acid.

Uric acid is a product of the purines. It is an important component of basic substances in the body, the nucleic acid.

Normally, a portion of the uric acids is excreted in urine. Some people don’t excrete enough uric acids. The body’s uric acid levels rise as a result. The body can build crystals of uric acid if it exceeds a certain level. The crystals tend to accumulate in the joints and can cause gout attacks.

Uric acid can build up in the body due to certain diseases. These can include blood disorders and certain cancers like leukemia. Gout is rarely caused by excessive uric acid production. This can be caused by a hereditary condition that affects the function of enzymes and proteins involved in uric acid metabolism.

Other factors play an important role, including fluid balance in joints. If the tissues have little fluid, then uric acid crystals will be more likely to form in the joints. Both the acidity (pH), and temperature of the joint fluid also play a role.

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Gout is the most prevalent inflammatory joint disease (arthritis), in industrialized countries like Germany. Gout affects anywhere from 1 to 2%, according to estimates. Gout is more common in men than it is in women. They are at risk for developing the disease five times more often, and much earlier than their counterparts. Gout typically occurs in men after the age 40. However, it is rare in women after the menopause. This is due to hormonal influences on the kidneys.

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