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Many men who have had prostate cancer treatment or radiation are affected by erectile dysfunction. Learn about the treatment options available to treat impotence, and how you can regain your sexual life.

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What causes Erectile Dysfunction in Prostate Cancer Patients?

Erectile dysfunction (or, colloquially, impotence) is one of the most common problems men with prostate cancer face. Erectile dysfunction can occur after radical prostatectomy or surgery. They can also happen after radiation therapy.

There is always a chance that the surgeon will cause nerve damage or blood vessel injury that could affect normal erection. The penis can also be affected by surgery. This can also impact sexuality.

Erectile dysfunction can not only affect the self-image of a male, but it can also negatively impact the quality of your partner’s sexuality, intimacy, and overall life. Surveys show that impotence and incontinence represent the most common problems faced by men with prostate cancer.

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How common is Erectile Dysfunction?

There have been notable improvements in terms erectile dysfunction since the introduction of nerve-sparing prostatectomy. From almost 100 percent before, this side effect has fallen to 19 to 40%. Many men and their partners still experience impotence following cancer surgery.

Sometimes, it can take weeks or months before erections are possible again. Men can also maintain them for a sufficient length of time. Potency can also be affected by radiation therapy. Hormone treatment can sometimes lead to a loss of interest in sex or desire.

In assessing the quality of care for erection issues, there are differences among doctors, patients and female doctors. Although specialists may consider the care adequate, patients would prefer more education and therapy. Urological rehab is an area that requires counseling and treatment. This is independent of age or other concomitant conditions.

All treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

There are many therapeutic options available to men today to help them regain a normal sex life. Doctors may combine multiple treatments.

Medication: PDE-5 Inhibitors

Medication can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. PDE-5 inhibitors are prescribed by doctors in low doses. They are often used immediately following surgery. These drugs are also known as phosphodiesterase-5 or PDE-5 inhibits. The drugs dilate the vessels in the penis by blocking the work of a certain enzyme, phosophodiesterase-5. The drugs block the activity of phosophodiesterase-5, which means that blood flows faster into the penis and less out. Women can erection faster and for longer periods of time.

PDE-5 inhibitors will not work if the penis nerve bundles have been severed in surgery. The nerves must be intact. PDE-5 inhibitors are not, however, pleasure pills as some believe. They don’t cause sexual arousal. The drugs won’t cause you to feel any emotion.

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How can Lifestyle change help with Erectile Dysfunction?

To combat erectile dysfunction, you can do some things yourself. A healthy lifestyle is important. This helps prevent hardening of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis), and also protects the vessels in your penis.

Regular exercise is important. It is a good idea to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, but it is better to do this every day. Choose a sport you enjoy. It is a good idea to try endurance sports like jogging or cycling, hiking, swimming, and Nordic walking.

A healthy, balanced diet includes lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, animal fats rather than animal fats and more fish than meat, sausage and sausage.

If you are overweight, lose weight. It is best to eat healthy and exercise regularly.

Stop smoking and quit smoking if you’re a smoker.

Relax! Relax more at work, and make time for yourself every now and again. Learn a relaxation technique such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga.

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