Kako zlahka izgubiti težo z Reduslimom?

To lose 10kg, the key is to decide to do it. We will help you with the steps. You should first realize that you shouldn’t be hurrying. We recommend losing weight to improve your health.

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What is a Diet Plan to lose 10kg?

The best rate for weight loss is approximately 0.5kg per day, which would translate into 2kg per month. In 5 months you’ll have lost 10kg. You don’t have to “follow a diet” but make lifestyle changes that will help you lose weight and keep it off. You should not try to lose 10kg in one month. It is unrealistic and will have a negative impact on your health.

You can change your chip now. Your goal is to “start eating healthy” from now. This will allow you to integrate eating into your daily life.

It’s not about eating restricted food groups. To get the nutrients your body needs, it is important to eat from all food groups. This strategy is about eating less calories than you expend, and avoiding sugars and unhealthy fats. This is known as hypocaloric diet.

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Skimmed milk, yogurt and fresh cheese are preferred. Choose calcium-rich vegetable drinks.


To lose weight quickly, all vegetables are recommended. You can include them at both lunch and dinner, as well as as vegetables like tomato, cucumber, and eggplant.


Bananas and all fruits are recommended. It is best to eat 2 to 3 portions per day. They can be eaten as a dessert or in between meals. They make a great snack.

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This is the food we use to get energy. It is essential that we eat it in order for the organism to function properly. However, we also need to control its quantity so that the body can use the energy reserves (accumulated fat) and lose weight.

The indicative amount to add for lunch and dinner is one fist.

Rice, pasta and couscous are all good options.


Eggs: 3-4 eggs per week

Meat: Preferably white meats (chicken, turkey) and one to two red meats (beef).

You can choose from turkey breast, chicken, or cooked ham as your preferred cold meat.

Fish: Increase your fish consumption to the exclusion of meat. At least three times per week, eat white fish (hake sole, cod ) and one or two times blue fish (salmons, anchovies, mackerel …).).

Seafood can be used in the same way as white fish. Clams, cockles, squid, cuttlefish, shrimps…


Olive oil is the best, but it’s better in its raw form. However, you should limit your consumption to about 2 to 3 tablespoons per day.

You can also add some avocado to the dish or a few roasted or unroasted nuts.

You must have fresh fruits and vegetables in your home to be able eat the recommended diet. You should purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at least once per week (for vegetable creams, sauteing …)., sauteing, boiling). In case your week is too hectic and you don’t have the time to cook, canned vegetables like artichokes or asparagus can be a great option.

Buy fish and meat for longer than 1 day. Then, freeze the rest. It is always a good idea to keep eggs in your fridge.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a commitment. When you’re dining out, make sure to order a salad and a grilled or grilled main course. Drink water and limit your intake of wine to one glass. If you’re invited to someone else’s home, relax and eat moderate amounts.

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